

We envision a peaceful Myanmar society that ecologically co-exists with nature, sustains livelihood, and ensures community food security through practising sustainable agriculture and permaculture ethics and principles.


Our mission is to promote the practices of permaculture ethics & principles, ecological farming, environmental conservation and peace through empowering rural young farmers and the agrarian grassroots community and steering them towards a path of sustainable agriculture, eco-friendly living, and lasting peace.

Earth Care

Poeple Care


Fair Share

Main Program

Permaculture Learning Centre

The Permaculture Learning Center is attempting to become a learning platform for those who are interested in permaculture farm design, sustainable farming practices, regenerative agriculture and nature conservation and local resilience.

Farmer Empowerment & Livelihood Program

Through its comprehensive approach encompassing knowledge transfer, technology adoption, financial support, market linkages, and inclusive participation, the program enables farmers to overcome challenges and enhance their productivity and income.

Emergency Response Program

Our Emergency Response Program aims to address the urgent needs arising from natural disasters ensuring the safety, well-being, and recovery of those impacted. We work in collaboration with local authorities, NGOs, and community partners to deliver efficient and effective assistance.

Latest News

Emergency Response to MOCHA cyclone affected people in Arakan, Myanmar


PIM hlps(74) rice bags were distributed to (183) total households from Pew Kyae Taung (34 households), Nga Pre Kyun-Ywar Ma (126 households) andNga Pre Kyun-Alay Ywar (23 households) villages, Pauk Taw township, Rakhine on 15th June 2023.

Myat Tun, co-founder of PIM participating at Spread the Spice Festival 2023

This extraordinary event was proudly organized by the 2023 Kanthari participants, bringing together individuals from 12 countries:
Cameroon, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Liberia, Malawi, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe.

Growing seasonal crops for farm consumption in aftermath of MOCHA cyclone

During this crisis period, producing food for the farm’s sufficient consumption is the priority. In this rainy season (2023) we have been growing seasonal crops such as long beans, eggplant, bottle gourd, cucumber and others.

3-day permaculture farm design, April 2023

We have held permaculture training workshops at our demonstration farm in Rakhine State, Myanmar since June 2020. Our most recent workshop was in April 2023.

Upcoming Events

Myat Tun, co-founder of PIM will deliver his dream speech on behalf of the organization. 

Permaculture Design Training to Young People

PIM team is conducting a ten-day training in basic permaculture design in Rathedaung township, Arakan. 20 young farmers from 10 villages will join the taining. 

Support our works

The PIM team is working tirelessly to emerge a learning platform and space with equal opportunities for those who want to make positive impacts on agriculture and nature. There are a number of ways you can be involved.

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