Vision, Mission & Goal


We envision a peaceful Myanmar society that ecologically co-exists with nature, sustains livelihood, and ensures community food security through practising sustainable agriculture and permaculture ethics and principles.


Our mission is to promote the practices of permaculture ethics & principles, ecological farming, environmental conservation and peace through empowering rural young farmers and the agrarian grassroots community and steering them towards a path of sustainable agriculture, eco-friendly living, and lasting peace.


To create ecologically and socially sustainable farming society in Myanmar.

Our philosophy


Our values

These are five organizational core values:


Self-reliance emphasises the importance of individuals and communities taking responsibility for their basic needs. This aligns with permaculture focus on self-sustaining practices, reducing reliance on external resources and promoting resilience in the face of environmental challenges.

Environmental sustainability

Permaculture us deeply rooted in environmental sustainability. It promotes practices that work in harmony with nature, seeking to regenerate and restore ecosystems rather than deplete them. 


Permaculture has a strong emphasis on regenerative agriculture and land management. It encourages practices that improve soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem resilience.


Localisation is in harmony with permaculture focusing on small-scale, community-based solutions. By supporting local economics reducing the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation and promoting responsible resource management central to permaculture. 

Ethical decision-making

Permaculture is guided by three core ethical principles: care for the Earth, care for the People and Fair Share. Ethical decision-making, in line with permaculture, requires assessing the impact of the actions on the environment, communities and equitable distribution of resources.