Dr.Johanna Garnett
Co-director/Co-founder / Academic consultant
I am a Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Peace Studies at the University of New England in Australia. I teach Environmental Sociology and Environmental Peace, as well as research methods and am very proud to support PIM since 2019 acting as an academic consultant. I have a passion for environmental peace and justice and for utilising grassroots environmental education as a tool for developing peaceful and practical solutions environmental problems. Please see more about Dr Johanna Garnett here: https://www.une.edu.au/staff-profiles/hass/dr-johanna-garnett.

Than Shwe
Co-director / Co-founder/ Permaculture trainer
I am very happy to work in my passionate field (permaculture design). My dream is to set up a permaculture demonstration farm and permaculture learning center. Especially I love to work with young people and rural agrarian communities to embrace a regenerative and more sustainable living practice. We must empower youths, installing in them a love for farming and caring nature and environment.

Myat Tun
Operational Manager
Co-founder/Environmental educator
I have very deep connection with nature especially mangrove forest since I was a child. That is one of my causes about entering into environmental conservation. I am an environmental conservationist. I have been spending over five years in the environmental conservation and sustainable agriculture practices. I am very graceful to work with young people and agrarian community across Myanmar. , it I m very amazed to work in this transition of conventional farming and destructive actions into more sustainably and climate resilience practices through this proactive team.

Sein Cherry Win
Head of Admin & Finance
It is the beginning of my journey working as a finance focal at PIM. I am very happy to work with my colleagues. I am making sure that PIM practice has a transparent and effective financial system. I love to work with this team for embracing sustainable farming practices through our collective leadership.

Maung Hla Phyu
Sustainable Agriculture Trainer
It is my pleasure to be a part of PIM team and make impactful change for the farming community in Arakan

Htet Htet Win
PLC Traning Coordinator
Permaculture Learning Center (PLC)
I am really happy a part of this team to assist PIM works and spread the ideas of sustainable agriculture practices to young farmer generations and local farming communities in Rakhine State, Myanmar.
I believe that this PIM initiative will empower grassroots farming communities from diverse ethnic backgrounds and equip them with the skills and knowledge to drive alternative development, environmental stewardship, and new livelihood opportunities to address these community challenges.
Hnin Wai Saw
Finance Officer (Rakhine Office)

U Soe Tun
PIM gardener
U Soe Tun is from Mrauk U township, Rakhine and a father of two children. Before I started working at PIM, I settled in Chin Kwin village (Kyeintali), Gwa township. I love gardening, so I became the best and hardworking carer of PIM farm. Plants and trees really love him because he gives them water and food that the trees and plants need.